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  • Writer's pictureMarshall Bailly

Embracing Diversity: A Visit to the Delegation of the European Union to the United States

For their third embassy visit, the International Leadership and Business interns explored the European Union's delegation to the United States. This visit provided the interns with an understanding of the European Union's rich history and significant relationship with the United States.

The tour began with a warm welcome from Cultural Affairs Officer Travis Smith, who handles strategic communications between the United States and the EU and promotes European culture and programs in America. Mr. Smith explained how the European Union was formed after World War II to foster sustainable growth and peace through cooperation among European countries. He highlighted the initial challenge of building international trust, especially between France and Germany, but over time, 27 countries came together to form the EU.

Mr. Smith underscored the EU Embassy’s mission to ensure that the United States sees Europe as a friend, emphasizing their shared values. The interns learned about the EU’s core principles: freedom, equality, democracy, rule of law, and respect for human rights. These shared values form the basis of cooperation between the EU and the United States in areas such as trade, foreign affairs, security and defense, energy and the environment, and economic growth.

After the presentation, Mr. Smith opened the floor to questions. The interns were particularly curious about how the EU addresses environmental challenges and promotes sustainability. One intern asked about specific initiatives the EU has implemented to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions.

The visit concluded with a tour of the building, during which interns saw glass flags representing each EU member country. As a memento of their visit, they also received small favor bags.

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