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  • Writer's pictureMarshall Bailly

Defending, Protecting, and Discovering the Justice System: A Day in Law

Interns started their morning by calling their business partners and planning the next steps of their marketing strategy.

After the calls, they heard a lecture from Keah Beeftu, an attorney at The Second Look Project, who discussed the importance of law and the justice system in our lives today. She discussed her experience working for the organization and how it is important to understand the law and how it applies to people who need a reevaluation of cases.

After the speaker in the morning, the students took a bus over to the University of Maryland to visit the Maryland Crime Scene Recreation Lab. Here they got to see some mock crime scenes that University of Maryland professor, Thomas Mauriello, used as a crime scene training scene for field agents and forensics students. The students were able to investigate the crime scene to find evidence, gather intelligence, and learn about the process of determining guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt."

Interns headed back to Georgetown to hear from district Judge Adam Hunter, about cross-examination, bias evaluation, witness preparation, and leading questions. The students were briefed on model cases presented by staff they would evaluate before having the opportunity to cross-examine a model suspect, victim, and two witnesses.

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