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  • Writer's pictureMarshall Bailly

Day 2 of the Criminal Law & Trial Internship!

The first morning of the Criminal Law and Trial Internship started off with some loud music and crazy costumes at 7 AM sharp! In case any of the interns needed a reminder to brush their teeth, there was a pair of inflatable toothbrush and toothpaste costumes roaming the halls. Definitely a unique way to start the day!

After eating breakfast and getting dressed, the interns walked to the classroom to hear from Heather Pinckney, who shared insights into her exciting role as the Executive Director of the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia! Heather gave the interns an overview of PDS's various departments and explained their functions as well as their significance. 

Once Heather answered the interns’ questions, they got to see Brandi Harden again for a formal introduction as the attorney on their cases. The interns could not help but lean forward in their seats as Brandi shared details about some of the really interesting cases that she’s currently working on! She also fielded the many questions that the interns had for her, ranging from how she ended up at her current job to why she believes in public defense so strongly.

Following a lively lunch spent talking with their fellow interns, the interns returned to the classroom for an introduction to their assigned cases. Brandi meticulously outlined the details and essential facts of each case, so that the interns know every nuance of the case before their direct and cross examinations at the end of the week. The interns then heard from Dave Karpf, Associate Professor in George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs. He provided an extensive introduction to advocacy and lobbying, giving the interns 7 rules to be effective and efficient advocates!

After a brief intermission, the interns reconvened with Brandi Harden and Heather Pinckney for an in-depth exploration of incarceration, race, and legal system reform. This enlightening session brought attention to significant societal concerns and prompted critical thinking on how the legal system disproportionately affects marginalized groups. The interns then met with Judge Adam Hunter for a session on witness preparation. Judge Hunter went over the basics of how a trial works and asked the interns what they thought about our current trial system before diving into an interactive explanation of direct and cross examinations. Shortly after, it was time for dinner!

Once they enjoyed a relaxing and chatty dinner, the interns moved onto the final session of the night: a Behind Bars Panel moderated by Courtney Stewart, Founder of the National Reentry Network for Returning Citizens. During the panel, three previously incarcerated individuals shared their personal experiences in the criminal legal system and discussed the ways in which they now help provide support to other previously incarcerated individuals through their work with the National Reentry Network.

After a long day of informative and insightful sessions, the interns had the opportunity to go on their first Georgetown Exploration of the week! Some interns chose to grab some last minute items from CVS, some bought themselves warm Insomnia cookies, and some chose to head back to the dorms for well-deserved rest. Regardless of their choice, everyone had a great time! All in all, a wonderful second day at the Criminal Law and Trial Internship.

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